
Sustainable Mining and the Acropolis as a Symbol !

Πώς θα βλέπατε την Ακρόπολη ως μνημείο βέλτιστης βιώσιμης μεταλλευτικής πρακτικής;  Ως πανανθρώπινο σύμβολο όχι μονο της απαράμιλλης τέχνης αλλά και ως παγκόσμιο σύμβολο της μεταλλευτικής κληρονομίας διαμέσου των αιώνων;

Μια ενδιαφέρουσα πρόταση από τον Σωτήρη Καμενόπουλο* προς τα Ηνωμένα Έθνη με τίτλο: "Sustainable Mining and the Acropolis as a Symbol: A Proposal for the establishment of a “Global Best Practice Sustainable Mining Development Heritage List and/or Award”.

Παρακάτω δίνεται η τεκμηρίωση της πρότασης. Αν κάποιοι έχουν πρόσβαση/account στο συγκεκριμένο site των Ηνωμένων Εθνών (η δυνατότητα πρόσβασης παρέχεται σε άτομα ή ομάδες ύστερα από πρόσκληση του ΟΗΕ), μπορoύν να μπουν και να στηρίζουν την ενδιαφέρουσα πρόταση είτε με παροχή σχολίων είτε με δυνατότητα ψήφου (εφόσον τους αρέσει).

A Proposal for the establishment of a “Global Best Practice Sustainable Mining Development Heritage List and/or Award”
  • How many projects do you really know worldwide that have been proved sustained for more than 3500 years?
  • How many projects do you really know worldwide that probably have the highest return on sustainability for the last 3500 years?
  • Have you ever thought of THE ultimate project, from the sustainability point of view, which was based on the wealth produced by a single mining project 3500 years ago?
  • Have you ever thought of THE mining project the produced wealth of which is continuously returning sustainable benefits the last 3500 years?
  • What do you firstly think when you hear the word “Acropolis”? Do you think of Democracy?Do you think of Civilization?Do you think of Philosophy?Do you think of Mathematics?Do you think of Architecture?Do you think of Art?Do you think of Economy?Do you think of Logic?Do you think of Theater?Do you think of History?
  • Have you ever thought how many scientific articles have been created worldwide the last 3500 years, and are still creating up-to-date, due to the existence of Acropolis?
  • Have you ever thought the total global scientific, spiritual and finance wealth that was created the last 3500 years, and is still creating up-to-date, due to the existence of Acropolis?
  • Have you ever considered the size of the global materialist and intangible wealth that has been produced, and still is producing, the last 3500 years, from the Acropolis? Can you imagine, for example, how many millions of jobs have been created over the centuries by the existence of the Acropolis? How many millions of families worldwide have derived a direct or indirect financial benefit from the Acropolis?
  • Have you ever thought of a world without Acropolis? In accordance with the official UNESCO’s opinion (http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/404): “The Acropolis of Athens and its monuments are universal symbols of the classical spirit and civilization and form the greatest architectural and artistic complex bequeathed by Greek Antiquity to the world.” Furthermore: “Acropolis, Athens, proposed by Greece as a best practice, is interesting as a case study for the following aspects: multidisciplinary advisory body, Acropolis restoration service, advanced technology and innovative methods, research program, role of the Association of Friends of the Acropolis, national competition for staff, specialized training and educational programs.” http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/404/bestpractice/
But very few have knowledge of how Acropolis was built. Do you know how Acropolis-project was financed?Where the money came from? 
  • “…Amazingly few facts are known about the Laureion mines, (…) undoubtedly correctly, believed to have played a very important part in the rise and supremacy of Athens.. THE LEASES OF THE LAUREION MINES
  • “…According to the manuscript text, Perikles, in the course of his review of Athenian resources in spring 431, reminds his audience that there still remained on the Acropolis 6,OOOTo f coined silver, and Thucydides, in an editorial comment, proceeds to explain that the whole amount had once been as much as 9,700T…” Athenian Finance 454-404 BC
  • “Apart from the usual sources of revenue (meaning silver from the mines of Laureion…)  http://davidrifkind.org/fiu/library_files/Hurwit.pericles-athens-building.lib-iss.pdf
  • “…Except for a few intervals, the Laurium area, some 50 kms SE of Athens, has been a centre of active silver and lead mining during the past 2500 years or more.(…) The fact that Athens had nearby access to silver-lead deposits (and zinc, for which they had no use at the time and did not recover) had a fundamental bearing on Athens ' rise to industrial prominence, which later led to its leadership in the arts and in philosophy….” THE MINES OFLAURIUM
  • “…THE M I N E S at Laureion were one great source of wealth to the Athenian state...” Inscriptions from the Athenian Agora
* Ο Σωτήρης Ν. Καμενόπουλος είναι Διπλ. Μηχανικός Παραγωγής και Διοίκησης (M.Eng.), Υποψήφιος Διδάκτωρ Πολυτεχνείου Κρήτης, Σχολή Μηχανικών Ορυκτών Πόρων

Bring them back...
Από την Πεντέλη στον Παρθενώνα. Κι από εκεί στην κατάντια του σήμερα...
Τα λατομεία και η ..τέχνη: δρόμοι αταίριαστοι;


Δημοσίευση σχολίου

Προσβλέπω σε έναν ευπρεπή διάλογο χωρίς κακόβουλα και υβριστικά σχόλια που προσβάλλουν την αισθητική μας αλλά κι εκείνη της ελληνικής γλώσσας. Εντούτοις, όλα τα σχόλια δημοσιεύονται!