What's Yours (and cannot be grown) is Mined. What’s Mined Is ...Yours;
From our faded jeans to our toothpaste; our televisions and mobile phones, or even a seemingly-trivial product like cat litter; from solar panels to cosmetics -- all of these products, use processed minerals. And the list is endless. Even if we are largely unaware of it, minerals exist in and affect our daily lives, and we co-exist intricately with them. What’s yours (and can’t be grown) has to be mined!
However, we have to think it from another point of view aswell. If you’ve never heard of tantalum (and coltan) don’t be alarmed just yet. It, like many other “magical” materials, are refined into the clandestine cocktail of components that allow our hi-tech devices to do what they do. However, you may want to reconsider what “hi-tech” really means. Behind the pretty touch screen of your mobile phone–and beneath the sensuous shell of your laptop, camera, or game console–lies someone else’s nightmare..
One of the most perverse elements of this whole equation is that what originates in the Congo under horrendous conditions is refined and manufactured into technology in China, is consumed by us so that we can check e-mail and make phone calls, and is then quite often cracked, smashed and melted down by villagers in search of raw materials back in China, where up to 80% of our “recycled” electronic waste is doomed to spend eternity. It’s a shocking cycle, a never ending "story", which we have accepted!
So, we consider that everything ever mined (everywhere in the world and under any condition) is ours, ready to be used without ethical arguments!

Πόσο "gorilla safe" είναι το κινητό μας;
Hightech trash... Dark Side of Digital Age
Τα ορυκτά μας ..πάνε, εμείς;
Hightech trash... Dark Side of Digital Age
[by Dr.Tzeferis Peter][του Τζεφέρη Πέτρου]
I hope...
^^ Και γνώση για την σωστή τους χρήση...
ακριβώς. Η σωστή χρήση είναι το κλειδί πιστεύω κι εγω.
Δεν πρέπει να αποκλείεται τίποτε από την ανάπτυξη αλλά ουτε και να θεωρείται από πριν καλό κι ωφέλιμο, πριν αποδειχθεί.
Συγχαρητήρια κε Τζεφέρη.
Πολύ καλή δουλειά και
ειδωμένη από ολες τις πλευρές.
Δημοσίευση σχολίου
Προσβλέπω σε έναν ευπρεπή διάλογο χωρίς κακόβουλα και υβριστικά σχόλια που προσβάλλουν την αισθητική μας αλλά κι εκείνη της ελληνικής γλώσσας. Εντούτοις, όλα τα σχόλια δημοσιεύονται!